Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Warcraft: Honest Trailer

Countdown to #DORKTOBER

Starting on October 1st it will officially begin 31 days of #DORKTOBER. We will have you covered with plenty of horror movie, horror tv, horror comic book, etc. stuff on the podcast and here on the blog. Use #DORKTOBER on twitter and we'll see your questions and comments. Let's go!

Fences Trailer

Friday, September 23, 2016

Sneak Peak at Justice League Dark

JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK will be a DC-animated film (as you can tell from the picture above) released early next year. Good look at John Constantine, Zatanna, Deadman, and Batman. Not entirely sure why Batman is in Justice League Dark, but who am I to complain about more Batman. The DC live-action films have not been great, however the animated ones are almost always good. Looking forward to this bad boy.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Rob Lowe Will Be In Super Troopers 2

According to Deadline Hollywood Rob Lowe will be in Super Troopers 2. And look, here's a picture to prove it.

I'm caustously optimistc about this movie.  The original (which was great) came out in 2001.  Comedy sequels don't have a great track record, let alone ones that are released 15+ years later.  But anything Farva I am in.

Let's also hope that Rob Lowe plays a villain a la his role in Tommy Boy.

South Park: Would You Rather Wednesday

Season 20 of South Park begins tonight!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Episode 70: Best/Worst Sidekicks

TV (The Book) Top 100 Series According to Alan Sepinwall and Matthew Zoller

Here is the Top 100 Television Series according to Sepinwall and Zoller from their new book, "TV (The Book)." They had to be narrative fictional shows, American produced, and either completed or an ongoing show that had been on for awhile. This seems like a very daunting task. Not sure if we could even come up with 100 shows. Well, that's not true. Still daunting.

  1. The Simpsons 
  2. The Sopranos 
  3. The Wire 
  4. Cheers 
  5. Breaking Bad 
  6. Mad Men 
  7. Seinfeld 
  8. I Love Lucy 
  9. Deadwood 
  10. All in the Family 
  11. M.A.S.H. 
  12. Hill Street Blues 
  13. The Shield 
  14. The Twilight Zone 
  15. Arrested Development 
  16. The Larry Sanders Show 
  17. The Honeymooners 
  18. Louie 
  19. The Mary Tyler Moore Show 
  20. The X-Files 
  21. Curb Your Enthusiasm 
  22. SpongeBob SquarePants 
  23. Twin Peaks 
  24. Lost 
  25. Buffy the Vampire Slayer 
  26. Freaks and Geeks 
  27. My So-Called Life 
  28. Oz 
  29. The Dick Van Dyke Show 
  30. Friday Night Lights 
  31. NYPD Blue 
  32. Frazier 
  33. Homicide 
  34. Battlestar Galactica 
  35. In Treatment 
  36. South Park 
  37. The West Wing 
  38. Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman 
  39. The Andy Griffith Show 
  40. The Cosby Show 
  41. Moonlighting
  42. Taxi 
  43. East Side/West Side 
  44. Hannibal 
  45. ER 
  46. Parks and Recreation 
  47. Roseanne 
  48. 30 Rock 
  49. The Bob Newhart Show 
  50. Malcolm in the Middle 
  51. Miami Vice 
  52. The Office 
  53. St. Elsewhere 
  54. Community 
  55. The Golden Girls 
  56. Police Squad! 
  57. 24 
  58. The Defenders 
  59. Gunsmoke 
  60. Sex and the City 
  61. Star Trek 
  62. Firefly 
  63. Law & Order 
  64. Maude 
  65. The Rockford Files 
  66. China Beach 
  67. Enlightened 
  68. Everybody Loves Raymond 
  69. The Wonder Years 
  70. Barney Miller 
  71. Frank's Place 
  72. It's Garry Shandling's Show 
  73. The Jack Benny Program 
  74. Justified 
  75. The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show 
  76. thirtysomethibng 
  77. Columbo 
  78. Friends 
  79. Futurama 
  80. The Outer Limits 
  81. Northern Exposure 
  82. Batman (1966 series) 
  83. King of the Hill 
  84. Veronica Mars 
  85. Cagney & Lacey 
  86. EZ Streets 
  87. Gilmore Girls 
  88. Six Feet Under 
  89. Sports Night 
  90. Wiseguy
  91. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 
  92. Batman: The Animated Series 
  93. Boardwalk Empire 
  94. NewsRadio 
  95. Picket Fences 
  96. Scrubs 
  97. WKRP in Cincinnati 
  98. How I Met Your Mother 
  99. Soap 
  100. Terriers

Captain America: Civil War - Honest Trailer

South Park on Colin Kaepernick

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Tim Drake Concept Fight

Ryan Potter (Big Hero 6) apparently made a "Tim Drake concept fight" for Batman director Ben Affleck. Looks good to me! With this Batman being an older Batman it makes all the sense in the world to have Tim Drake, who was the third Robin. Plus there has been images of a dead Robin (Jason Todd), so the next in line would be Drake. Bring it on!

Friday, September 9, 2016

Top 10 Adam Sandler Movies

Adam Sandler turned 50 today.  So what better reason than that to come up with a "Top 10 Sandler Movie" list?  The man has had an unbelievable career.  Cosby Show, SNL, Comedy Albums, and of course a ton of amazing films.  Here's my list..

  1. Billy Madison (1995)
  2. Happy Gilmore (1996)
  3. The Wedding Singer (1998)
  4. Bulletproof (1996)
  5. Airheads (1994)
  6. The Waterboy (1998)
  7. Mr. Deeds (2002)
  8. Big Daddy (1999)
  9. That's My Boy (2012)
  10. 50 First Dates (2004)

Rick and Morty Recreate Denver Fenton Allen vs. Judge Exchange

So apparently this is a real exchange between a Georgia state judge and this psycho Denver Fenton Allen. The guys behind "Rick and Morty" provide a word-for-word recreation. It's insane.

NSFW (although there is bleeps) (h/t @CoachWessieB)

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Check Out This Beautiful Shirt

Joe Manganiello Cast as Deathstroke in Batman (Batfleck) Movie

(Photo courtesy of io9)

The rumor had been out there for sometime but it was confirmed that Joe Manganiello (True Blood) will play Deathstroke in the upcoming Batman solo film. Great casting. He should be tremendous. Not sure if he was the dude in the suit that Affleck posted, but that looked sweet, this casting is sweet. I'm on board. Maybe we'll have a great DC movie?!?!?

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Graphic Novel of the Week: The Punisher: Born

The "Graphic Novel of the Week" (GNOTW) makes it's #DORK Blog debut!  This week we'll take a look at a terrific Punisher origin story, written by Garth Ennis (Preacher, The Boys), BORN.  This 4-issue run centers around Frank Castle while fighting in Vietnam.  

This is early days Punisher, in fact, not even the Punisher we know and love now.  Frank is a genuine badass marine in charge of a platoon but still having to answer to higher ups.  We get to see the back story on Castle and understand how a man without super powers can rip shit up against those who do. 

If you're looking for the skull logo, white boots, and interactions with Daredevil or Spider-Man, you won't find it here.  Instead you get the background for what all other incarnations of the character, including the Netflix portrayal, should be.  

I'm sure Punisher fans have already read this, but for those who haven't give it a go, especially before the stand alone Punisher series is released.  

Underworld: Blood Wars Trailer

Do you know this is the 5th Underworld movie? Yeah, me neither. I did like the 1st one though.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Narcos Renewed for Seasons 3 and 4

Full disclosure, I haven't seen Narcos yet. But I hear only good things and considering every other Netflix show I watch (Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Bojack Horseman, Last Chance U, etc., etc.) is the balls I'm sure this is too. Not sure when, but I vow to to watch this program in the near future. And for those who already watch it, let us know what you think.